Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Wow! I can't believe it's been almost 7 months!  I forgot the password for this blog and how to get into this thing, but today I was persistent and determined to not stop until I logged back on.  There is much catching up to do.  Now is not the time, but I'm glad to know that I can start this thing back up :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Holy, Holy, Holy

  1. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
    Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
    Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
    God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!
  2. Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
    Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
    Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
    Who was, and is, and evermore shall be.
  3. Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide Thee,
    Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
    Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
    Perfect in pow’r, in love, and purity.
  4. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
    All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
    Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
    God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!

This is one of the hymns I've grown up my entire life singing and the whole time allowing the beauty of the lyrics to pass me by.  Tonight I experienced this song in a way I'll never forget.  After a wonderful family dinner with friends and staff members, about 30 of us were gathered in the Ogden lounge for some student led worship.  The last song was "Holy, Holy, Holy" and the instruments faded away, it was just our voices.  Thanks to Dr. Tackett's Matins, everyone was familiar with this song and was able to sing without looking at the sheet with the words they'd passed out.  After the first few verses I opened my eyes and looked around the room.  I saw each of my brothers and sisters in Christ that have already come to mean so much to me in such a short time.  I thought about the bond I have with them and how unique this place is.  I listened to the harmony that was being created and how amazing it sounded as it was being lifted up to our awesome God.  I know it's only October, but it crossed my mind that this place is only temporary and we are all going to disperse back across the country in a few short months, which breaks my heart.  But how comforting is it to know that this LIFE is only temporary and I get to be with all of them and so many more in heaven for the rest of ETERNITY?!  And then it hit me - this beautiful moment that I was experiencing, the crying out and attempting to offer even a sliver of ourselves to the maker of the universe with our was a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction (keep saying that about ten more times and you still wont be close but you'll be inching closer...) of what we get to do forever and ever and ever in the PRESENCE of our ALMIGHTY LORD!  I closed my teary eyes, listened to the splendor of what was around me, and couldn't even fathom the majesty of heaven.  I can't wait for that glorious day!! 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

sweetly broken

Oh mylanta!! has it really been almost a MONTH since I stopped to update this blog??  Goes to show how crazy busy life is these days .
Busy actually might be an understatement.  I feel like almost every moment is filled with something....but I wouldn't change a second of it.

God is molding me into a new person.  The hardest part of this process so far is letting go of certain pieces of the old person.  There are pieces that bring me comfort and put me at ease just because of their familiarity.  God is showing me that I have to surrender all the areas of my life though.  If I never left my comfort zone, I would never have to lean on him for strength.  I am called to give up EVERYTHING for the sake of the cross.  In doing that and living a life that I've emptied myself from and allowed him to fill, I will be a better servant, lover of people, friend, daughter, sister, roommate, and ultimately be able to make a bigger impact for him and his kingdom.

I am breaking into a million pieces, but my heart is overwhelmed with joy!  I am living out the words of the old hymn "..sweetly broken, wholly surrendered."  Sometimes people don't understand that concept, but being broken is SO very sweet.  It allows you to come back together as a stronger, more mature, resilient child of christ.  My heart is swelling every day as I spend time with my creator and grow closer to him, as I get to know the people here and continue to build Christ-based friendships and relationships with them.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by such an amazing group.

I wish I had time to keep going, but my homework must get done at some point!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

put up with each other and love it in the mean time!

A word that we hear from such a young age and in so many different facets that it loses its value in our lives.  I didn't really understand when I was reading about F.L.I. on their website or after I had gotten accepted and received the handbook in the mail why they kept stressing this concept SO much.  It seemed like the set up would be like any other college arrangement - living in apartments, going to class...what was the big deal about this COMMUNITY thing they kept harping on?
I don't know how they figured it out, but somehow they've gotten it right.  If we could grasp the importance of having a Christ-centered community in our lives, you can't imagine how different things would be.  We need each other - there's no way around it.  God made us to coexist, to build each other up....not to tear each other down, and we've gotten that so backwards out in the real world.
One of the most refreshing things about being here is how healthy the conversations are.  I don't hear my friends whispering behind each others backs, but covering it with a smile - somehow making it look sweet and "Christian"?  And I don't have to wonder or assume that they're doing the same about me when I'm not around.  Comments tearing other people down aren't used as conversation starters...or fillers.  It's sweet not be faced with those things right now.  I know it's only for a short time and the real world is approaching again quickly, but at least we have these months to rest and grow.
Don't get me wrong, we aren't prancing around in some fluffy world where everything is easy and wonderful.  I've been tested, mad, frustrated, and stretched much further than I care to be ALREADY and we're just getting started.  But it's part of it.  Having people I can go to and have an honest conversation with - be real and raw around - totally trust, that's what makes the not so fun times ok.
As Christians, having a Christ-centered community shouldn't be something we find ourselves saying "oh, that would be nice to be a part of" it's something we should make a priority in our lives.  It enhances our own relationship with Christ, helps hold us accountable, helps us live lives reflecting more of our creator, and in turn brings more glory to his kingdom.

You're an average of the 5 people you spend the most time with (your community) what does YOURS look like?

So here is a picture of a few of the communities of my life....haha. pretty much people who have contributed to making me who I am today in some way or another over the years.  Some people probably don't even know it - and there are MANY people whom I didn't have a picture for.  I need about 5 more of these boards!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

do it right

When I found out I was coming to Focus, I knew it was going to be an exceptional experience – but I can honestly say after one week and one day that I couldn’t even begin to imagine the journey I was about to embark upon.

Sitting in class, my mind has a natural tendency to wander as doodles fill up the margins of my paper.  But here, I catch myself zoning in because I sincerely WANT to hear what Dr. Leland or Dr. Tackett has to say.  It’s not just another “leadership workshop” but a curriculum designed to really mold us.  It’s not just notes for my test next Tuesday, but TRUTHS that are so imperative for my life.  

The people are different here than I thought.  I imagined something similar to freshman year at Ole Miss walking into my Chancellors Leadership Class.  Granted -most, if not all, of the people here would probably be qualified for that class – it’s just a different dynamic.  It’s not about our resume’s, or how accomplished we’ve been or haven’t been.  One thing about us….we’re broken.  Broken families, relationships, friendships, struggles – we have them all, and in one short week, we’ve already grown tight enough to help each other limp along.  With roommates that already feel like sisters, and classmates that seem to have been around forever…or at least longer than 10 days – community begins to take on a whole different meaning.  The institute stresses it from day one and I’m beginning to see why.  When done right, it’s such a beautiful thing…but sadly, our world seems to have lost this concept...

the girls in apartment #1022!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

we made it!

WOW! What a crazy week!! I kept saying "I need to stop and update my blog" but just never found the time! it has been so hectic...but so great at the same time! Here is a picture of where I currently reside :)


and the VIEW....unbelievable...

We just got back from a three day trip to Horn Lake.  It was unlike any retreat I've ever been on for sure.  Right when we walked up I started singing "Camp Anawana...we hold you in our hearts..." haha, the atmosphere reminded me so much of the old Nickelodeon show Salute Your Shorts.  We lived in cabins and went down to eat when they rang the big black bell.

One of the coolest aspects of the retreat was that our professors for the semester were there with us the whole time.  They ate meals with us, played games, and did worship with us.  It is unlike any other teacher/student dynamic I've ever had.  We did leadership exercises where we had to work together then debrief and discuss what just took place.  Oh, and we did a survival test thing..just FYI - if you're in a plane crash in -25 degree weather, don't worry about getting a compass, make sure to grab the steel wool and shortening though, haha.
It really was a great time of learning and getting to know each other - I'm so glad we had those days outside of our apartments, but my bed feels mighty cozy right now!!

It's amazing how much God has his hand on this place.  There is spiritual warfare all around for sure, so I'm working extra hard to stay in his word and really focused (no pun intended).  I know things are going to happen this semester that are going to blow my mind...I can't wait!  I feel like I have SO much more to say....but I also have SO many pages to read for class!! so I'm going to go get started.

One last picture though just to be sure that you'll keep me in your prayers during this life changing semester...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hotty Toddy anyway...

Well, dad and I have officially begun the journey up to Colorado! We left Petal around 9 this morning after I pulled an all-nighter packing (terrible idea...) I had to get some things from my apartment so we came to Oxford instead of going through Texas.  We timed it where we would make it for the first football game....maybe I should have just slept in....

No need to talk about the game, ESPN has done enough of that for all of us. blah :( but I'm still glad that we came.  it was great to see friends and just be back at Ole Miss for the day.  Hotty Toddy anyway...

At the game today I had this awkward encounter that really made me think about some things.  I walked to a different section to visit some friends before I left.  They had another family with them that they introduced me to - except for the son, because the connection had been made a few months earlier that I actually knew the son...we were in the same honors college class at Ole Miss, had taken numerous science classes together for 4 years, had gone on SMBHC service trips together, and had a lot of the same friends.  He turned around and stuck his hand out and said "Hi, I'm _____, nice to meet you" I feel like normally I would have gone along with it, but for some reason today I didn't.  I just looked at him and said "I know.." And filled him in on a few of our commonalities.  It was slightly awkward, and he was kind enough to act like he remembered me and said it was good to see me again, haha.
My point?
I feel like I wasted a wonderful opportunity I was given at Ole Miss.  Someone I'd had classes with for 4 years INTRODUCED himself to me like he had never seen me before?! what kind of impact did the life I lead have??! zero.
Lesson learned?
I can't changed the past, but I can make sure I don't waste any more opportunities.  I'm standing on the edge of tomorrow and have the control over whether or not I let it happen again.  I have this amazing adventure at my fingertips, just like 5 years ago I had my whole time at Ole Miss ahead of me. That's gone now, but I'm determined to make the most of what I do still have :)